
We run some great ministries we would love you to join

Bible Study

Beyond our Sunday service, our members meet together in smaller groups to study the Bible. It’s a great way to get to know the Bible better, and also others in our church family. These groups meet in homes or at the church on different days of the week, often in the evenings. To join one, contact us through our contact form.

Meeting Jesus Course

There are many ideas that people have about Jesus - but nothing compares to meeting him for yourself. Come and read the story of Jesus' life and decide for yourself who you think he is. We offer a free four-week course in your home, or in ours. For more information, contact us through our contact form.

Arabic Bible Study

إذا كنت تريد أن تتعلم عن المسيح باللغة العربية ، فلماذا لا تأتي إلى دراسة الكتاب المقدس باللغة العربية؟ 

نقرأ الكتاب المقدس باللغتين العربية والإنجليزية ، ونناقش معًا ما يعلمنا الله إياه ، ونستمتع بالصداقة والمحادثة مع القهوة والحلويات. 

نلتقي†مرة†في†الشهر†في†الكنيسة†)يوم†الثلاثاء†الأول†من†كل†شهر®†الساعة الى†8 مساءً†6

Anglicare Food Pantry

Every second Wednesday from 12:15-2:00 pm, the Anglicare Mobile Community Pantry comes to Greenacre, bringing low-cost fresh food to help stretch your budget further. All you need is a pension, health care or immigration card, and a $3 donation. You can fill a bag with the fresh food and vegetables of your choice.

Church Community Lunch

Food brings people together, no matter your culture, and our Church Community Lunch is all about that. Join us for our pot-luck lunch each 4th Sunday of the month for church, food, friendship and a chance to get to know our community better. All food served is halal.

For our next community lunch, click here.